It’s no surprise that individuals today are experiencing record levels of anxiety and stress due to a variety of increasing economic and social pressures. Furthermore, while individuals struggle with stress, anxiety, and depression, very few individuals have the knowledge, tools, or a safe space where they can address the emotions that arise or simply take a moment to stop and take a moment to breathe.
At Beyond Yoga, our mission is to mold a community that not only makes practices such as yoga and meditation accessible to everyone but a safe space that individuals can call home and quietly escape some of life’s pressure, even if just for a moment.
As a partner via our Social Responsibility Program, your class sponsorship assists us in providing a full schedule of classes to the public along with ‘by-donation’ Karma classes, where 70% of donations are given to charity, and scholarship programs where individuals of limited financial means can benefit from offerings at our studio. In addition to in-studio offerings Beyond Yoga hopes to create sustainable programs that take yoga & meditation to communities, schools, and even detention centers.
In exchange, partner organizations will receive free class passes along with visibility in our physical studio, weekly mentions on social media, and exposure via our partner page at www.beyondyogatv.com.
If you or your organization may be interested in participating in our Corporate Responsibility Program please reach out to us for more details [email protected]. If you have ideas, suggestions, or want to get involved in any other way please let us know.